For those of you who know me, and those who have recently heard me speak; this is going to be a bit of a re-run for you; and I apologize in advance. But, for all of you new fans, be prepared to be regaled with my opinion of... dun dun dun...
black. Now, to truly appreciate the following paragraph, you need to say this with me, and out loud: black. There. Did you notice how alarmingly close it is to "blech" (slang for yuck?)
Black: Very dark because there is no light, Very dirty, Evil or wicked, Very sad or hopeless. (don't just take my word for it, there's more; follow the link) Black to me is indeed a dirty word, i don't like it and I don't wear it. Black is the absence of color, and I am a big fan, B I G fan of color.
Tadaaaa! I also really like stripes. Which is turning out not to be such a bad thing as this whole season has been nautical inspired...sadly, that's what

I was into all last spring, and I'm fickle like that. I digress. Black (*cringe*) is a neutral, like brown, white and gray. Think of those colors as you would a pair of jeans. And you can put anything with jeans, right? So instead of reaching for those tired black trousers, or the black skirt, grab yourself some color! Color will make you happy, and others will be happy when they see you. Seriously, didn't you smile when you saw the picture inset here? I tell you, it works.
Having said that, everyone should have a few black pieces: A black dress: one that's suitable for work, or cocktail hour. Black pumps, and black flats: these do double time as work and play. And finally, a well fitting black suit. You can use the suit as a separate and incorporate the jacket alone into your wardrobe to make any outfit more appropriate. And you can wear the pants without the jacket, because sometimes all of your other pants might need to be laundered. Check out
this link for clothing every woman should own. I've read about this gal, and tried her "diet book"
French Women don't get Fat (that is now a coffee table book and conversation piece) ((obvious, right, judging by the photo)) Anyway, I like what she has to say about how to stay chic, and with what timeless choices.
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