Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Heaping Helpings of Delight

I ate cookies, in bed, at 12:30am last night AND then, i slept in this morning and skipped my workout. I KNOW, right?! But let me tell you why... Yesterday evening i was invited to attend the Mom's Night Out Event hosted by one of the awesome moms at Living Word Family Church. (We have these interest groups that get together and do like-minded things.) And readers, these moms are AWESOME! If this is ringing a bell with some of you devotees, it should, because this was indeed my second engagement with the Mom's group. It was so much fun the first time, they organized another. Everyone brought a dish, and we ate family style. If there's one thing we LWFC members do consistently, and consistently well: it's food. After we ate, what one guest has dubbed "the great exchange" began. Most of the ladies all brought clothes from home that they don't wear anymore, and everything was piled according to item, including shoes, handbags, jewelry, shorts, tops, pants, dresses; you name it. Once everything was out and on display, the rummaging began. It was exhilarating! Just like shopping, but so much better because it was FREE!!! Yes, you read me right, F R E E. Seriously. Tell me you aren't reading this and desperately wishing you were a mom so that you could come?! Well wish no more, because come Fall, I will be organizing and holding one such fashion event each month. And if you don't have anything to bring, that's okay.
Check out my new page on Facebook, where there will be posts with fashion tips, tricks and how to's; and as this new business gets off the ground, pictures of women just like you, and me, with their new found fabulousness jumping off the screen.

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