Monday, September 24, 2012

Falls First Day

So, according to my calendar, the first day of Fall was Saturday. According to the thermometer, (as of this posting, 54 degrees Fahrenheit), the ominous clouds and the snappy wind, I'd say Fall blew in over last night! (Well, in WNY that is) I'm a really big fan of owls, and have been thinking of a way to work them into my wardrobe, without being so girly-cute. I think the camo pants and brogues add a little edge. Speaking of brogues, I'm also flirting a little with the trend and fighting my instinct that they are too gender specific. As a self professed feminine dresser I think these gentleman like shoes get a little priss with the outfit, what do you think?

Falls First Day

Wallis owl shirt

Oasis wrap coat
$160 -

Dune high heel shoes
$140 -

Vivienne westwood


Michael kors jewelry

Alexis Bittar gold jewelry
$93 -

Kenneth jay lane jewelry
$70 -

Kate spade

Yellow gold jewelry

D&G heart sunglasses

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sick Fashion

Cool title? Yucky truth. I have a cold, but "cold fashion" didn't sound as neat. You thought this post was going to contain some sick "awesome" fashion didn't you? Sorry to disappoint. Unfortunately when I'm not feeling well the only thing I want to wear is something soft and cozy. I can't even adequately convey my lack of effort when it comes to dressing when sickly; I might not even wear make-up (gasp!). I read other blogs, and have noticed that some of them are just photo's. JUST photo's. What do they do on a sick day? March on? Or go dark. I don't have a lot of photo's, and I haven't written in days for lack of health. I offer no excuses. For a second, nay, a millisecond I entertained snapping a quick shot of myself in my safety yellow sweatshirt and purple lounge pants and including it. Thankfully, that moment passed, and I bet you're glad of it too! I'm snuggled up with my laptop for warmth wishing I felt better and then reviewed a new arrival to my inbox: Street Style to Replicate, courtesy of one of my favorite indulgences: Refinery29. Doesn't everyone feel better when they have something to look forward to? I plan on emulating numbers 2, 6 & 27 just as soon as I stop sounding like Edith Ann and sell my stock in Kleenex.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Yellow Chevron Clutch

So the other day I was on a blog that I follow called My Fancy Pants and she was having a contest to win a chevron clutch from Corilynn and part of the entry included telling her what I would wear said clutch with. Sometimes my words aren't the best at describing what my brain envisions, so I headed over to Polyvore to design an image of what I was trying to say. And this is it:

Yellow Chevron Clutch
What do you think? One of the best parts is you can shop the items I styled, right from here! Happy shopping! (Oh, and don't go enter that contest for the clutch, you'll mess up my odds ;) )

Clutch purse

Dorothy perkin

Gold jewelry

$4.87 -

Brunello cucinelli

D g
$140 -

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fall, Autumn, Whatevs - It's Cold

Well, in NY it is anyway, today I continue to write from the Capitol City. The trees have Started. To .Turn. (I was trying to make that a really defining statement, but somehow it's not working, is it?) Now, according to the weather-people the trees are turning early because of the drought. So they're pulling in nutrition from their leaves, giving us the beautiful reds, golds and oranges before falling to the ground naked for Winter. Good thing for us we get to keep changing our colors without ever getting naked. Especially right before the snow falls! Side note: by the time the snow does actually fall, I'll be back in the 8th ring of hell: also known as Southwest Florida (it was 91 there shortly after 9am today, fyi). Now that the heat is ratcheting down and the scent of fall is in the air, my mind is wandering to knee high boots, scarves and leather...which according to these sites, means I'm right on: 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Albany, NY - Fashion Mecca

Okay, so... Albany is clearly not a fashion mecca. But it is a city. One that I've been driving into and out of every morning and evening at rush hour and: It's sucking my will to live. Now, I know you're wondering why I'm in the Capitol city when Fashion Week is going on several hundred miles to the South; but that will just have to remain a mystery. (And, no, I'm not having anything cosmetic done and in hiding) Though, that's not a bad idea ;) Anyways. City dwellers. I've been seeing a lot of trousers and low, chunky heeled black shoes. I'm fine with the trousers. I get it, you're walking to work. But the shoes? the SHOES! Why black? Why, big, clunky, no personality black? Now, mind you, I say this from the comfort of my vehicle, safely obscured by dark tinted windows in yoga pants and a hoodie. But, if my sole purpose wasn't just to drive in and then back out of the city, I would be dressed! I don't think there's a Target downtown. But there might be, considering the amount of khaki-tan slacks and black shoes. And if I didn't think I'd be the next assault and battery call the locals responded to, I'd take some pictures.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Didya get that? It's Fashion's Night Out tonight and NY Fashion Week starts too! FNO, pioneered 4 years ago as a means to boost the economy, and get out and about in the name fashion. Coinciding with NYFW, needless to say there's a lot going on down in the Big Apple. The schedules are posted on both sites, and you can find local events pretty easily. I myself follow area malls and outlets on Facebook and there are a variety events posted. Not able to attend? That's ok! (I can't either) You can shop online and even purchase authentic FNO gear. I do have a trip to Albany planned this weekend, so I'm toying with the idea of trekking down to NYC for a looksie.

Here are a couple noteworthy local FNO promotional sales to whet your whistle:

Waterside Shoppes in Naples, FL

Coconut Point in Estero, FL

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Loooong Weekend

It was a long weekend for me. Not long because I had an extra day off, but because the days seemed to string together, with me not really accomplishing anything noteworthy. I baked a cake. From a box. I've also nearly devoured it entirely, too, so there's that. I didn't go anywhere but the grocery store, and thus my weekend wardrobe was somewhat stunted and definitely uninspired. I did however, visit the blogosphere and see what others were up to, and they were out and about looking cute. This weekend, I just didn't have it in me. Do you ever feel like that? And today, it's raining. Ugh.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Oh Shorts, I wish you were Pants! part deux

If you know me, have seen a previous post; or if you follow me on Pinterest or Polyvore, you'll notice something: I have an ambivalent relationship with shorts. And, today I entered a contest on how I would transition summer shorts into fall (also on a previous post). If I wore them, I totally would wear my entry. I like the idea of shorts. I like the many things one can do while in shorts. I just don't like shorts on me. It's that pesky missing-ankle-lackluster-yuck leg thing. Shorts are such an abrupt cut off on the leg, no matter what type of footwear  I try them with, I just can't find a way to like shorts on me. Unless maybe I  tried them with over the knee boots...but even then, maybe not.

Here are some examples of looks I love that involve the aforementioned "shorts", and would be completely content if their makers would sew back on the missing portion of the legs:

From my Pinterest board, other Pinners, my "girl crush": Kendi Everyday (who, by the way, if by some miracle you actually read this [which would be awesome] You are an inspiration and give me hope!)

Summer to Fall - Contest

Summer to Fall - Contest

White top

Velvet jacket
$625 -

Sailor shorts

Printed tight
$33 -

High heel
$345 -

Kate spade eyewear

Slim belt

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The End of Summer?

Technically: the end of Summer according to the fashion world is upon us (although my calendar says Sept 23rd)  Literally: Not in FL. In the sunny sunny South, summer extends on into the wee dregs of the year, through October and November when the rest of the world starts to refrigerate and in some parts freeze (homage to my home town peeps in WNY, where it was 41 this morning!). I'm wondering what the best way to segue into the Fall trends would be? This video courtesy of Fab Sugar suggests booties. At the very end the host pitches booties and sundresses. One of my avid Facebook followers (Thank You Michelle Hurtley) pointed out that she didn't think sundresses and booties were a fit for her. I'm thinking they're not a fit for me either, but for aesthetic reasons (see my post about lack of ankles and shapeless legs) Ultimately, I think fashion means what fashion is to you. Follow the trends. Try a few. Buy a bootie. But if you don't think the media hounds are playing the right angle for you personally, then don't do it. Because in the end, if you're not comfortable, and you don't like the way you look, then what's the point? Ah, the point; back to my post for today: transitioning from Summer to Fall in FL. I like the idea of the bootie. It says cooler temperatures are on the horizon, but it's still warm enough to keep the leg visible. I have been lately, and probably will remain fascinated with cardigans. Love 'em. They come in all lengths, all fabrics, some plain, some bedecked and bejewelled. Pick the right cardi and you don't need jewelry! Use them as jackets, over a sundress, or cropped pants. Try some lightweight scarves with a 3/4 length t-shirt. That's what I'm about. Mmmhhmm.

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Mirror has Two Faces: Well, Not Quite.

Intriguing title, no? I wanted to fill this post with a few links that would support what I'm about to say; at least something scientifically veritable, but after a few maligned Google attempts, I gave up. So, I've included what I did find, but I'm not happy about it. If you've had me over to re-imagine and re-purpose your closet and existing wardrobe, you are familiar with the power of the camera. (For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, or where I'm going with this: 1. You'll see when you hire me, and 2. When I start to make outfits out of your current wardrobe, much of the time you won't be comfortable with what I've done (It takes a little getting used to, this mad genius of mine) until I make you take a picture of it with your smart phone or iPad or some such, and then the clouds part, the heavenly light shines down and you smile like its Christmas morning.) When we ourselves look at something, we see it one way. Our way. But when we take a picture of them, we see them as others see them. A little like looking in the mirror, we are used to seeing our face, reflecting back at us.  When I lay out outfits, I can see them, like the camera sees them, in my mind. A super power, to be sure (wink). These outfits that are sometimes out of the box, and often completely unimagined by their owners can be a little hard to swallow; but all it takes is a few snaps of the magic shutterbug, and you're ready for the runway.

If you're ready for a wardrobe makeover and want to see this awesome camera magic for yourself, click on over to my Facebook page to book a session, or shoot me an email to get started!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Paintball + Tie Dye

Yes, paintball. What does paintball have to do with fashion or styling you ask? NOTHING, but I'm going to segue into tie dye later on...My brother has been playing weekend warrior for several months now, in a paintball league. Upon a recent return from the battlefield, he asked if I would be interested in playing. My first thought was no, but as I watched him unload his gear, I was actually thinking about it. He then handed me a fully loaded magazine and I proceeded to let loose on an unsuspecting light pole. Talk about fun! And, did you know that paint balls are water soluble? I know this, because I let him shoot me on purpose to see if I could stand the pain (CAN! I'm a total trooper) However, I won't be playing: this delicate flower bruises very easily and doesn't heal quickly. (I'll spare you the photo's because it's gross). Paintball is played with varying colors, to differentiate teams. And if you've ever seen a fallen paintballer, they're a big polka dotted, multicolored mess! A painful version of at home tie dye, and so unlike the following tie dye ensembles, which lit up Spring fashion and are proving to come back on trend:

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Giving Summer the Boot

I adore Fall: the transition from warm, sing song days to frozen nostrils and numb toes in cider, cake donuts and down blankets; and the clothes! Oh the clothes. And BOOTS. I'm going to talk about boots. So bear with me, this could get worse before it gets better; and I get around to my point. I'm a big girl. I don't have ankles (well, OK, so I obviously do, else how would i walk?!, but they are invisible to the naked eye and cloaked in the rest of my calf) and consequently, because I lack ankles, my legs decided that since they didn't have a ladylike graceful taper, that they might as well just go all willy-nilly and not have any shape at all... Aaaaand back to boots. I love the look of a boot. Short, tall, over the knee, ankle, "shootie": you name it, I like it. But, boots are not 'me' friendly. I know far more women like me, who lament their lackluster stalks than those who belong on Dancing with the Stars. So if you're reading this, and saying to yourself  "Amen sister!!", then follow me, and I will give you some recommendations, some personal recommendations for boots that I've found that fit. Yep. Fit my bad, muscular self.
DSW: Check out the "Bare Traps" Style. I've a few of those mid-calf darlings, and they fit. No zipper strength required. 

Nine West: They don't label theirs very well, so I suggest going in store to try on. I have two pair, and they are so well worn (because I can never find others!!!) that I can't read the name or the item number on the label.

I've been toying with boot talk for a few weeks now, since I've been seeing them all over the trend-o-sphere and fashion bulletins I decided it was time to give it a go. That, and the trees are starting to turn in my neck of the woods and it was 40 some degrees this morning.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Musical Inspiration

Musical Inspiration

Peplum top
$28 -

A L C capri
$1,815 -

Gucci handbag
$2,120 -

Leather necklace
$78 -

Aldo jewelry

Fat Face stud earrings
$7.85 -

Knit circle scarve
$21 -

Fashion Peeves

Black with brown. Black shoes with navy pants. Socks and Sandals. Those are all bad enough, but socks AND dress shoes?! Who thinks of these things? I know it's been happening in the fashion world for the better part of a year, but by now I was hoping this tragic trend would be gone. *Shudders* I asked my Facebook peeps today what they thought. I'm interested in their responses. Could be it's just me and my "rules" but I just can't get on board with it. I mean, socks go with sneakers. Right?! Can I get an Amen?! I can't stand the abuse. Pretty, dainty, ruffly socks, wrapped around a foot that is encased by a thick soled shootie (shoe-bootie). Knee high socks stuffed into stilettos? It just doesn't compute for me. See the examples below. And then head over to my Facebook page and join the poll. Is it me? May-be.

It's amazing what one finds when one Google's: Dress shoes and socks

Friday, August 17, 2012

To Shop, Or Not?

That is the question. Online, or in store? What say you? I like to browse online, especially when they send me coupons. Just to see whats out there. What kind of deal I might get at that very moment, the deal meant just for me (and trillions of others on the mailing list, to be sure) And, wouldn't you know, that since I'm on a self imposed lock-down (ie: bought a house and I'm broke) those sneaky sneaksters are sending me daily discounts! And good ones too! Free shipping, 50% off, 30% off and more. Oh the agony. Check out some of these deals:

JCrew Factory: 30% Off new arrivals, priced as marked (online only)

GAP: 25% Off total purchase (online only) ends Saturday 8/18/12

Madewell: 30% Off of $100 AND Free Shipping

So go shop around, and let me know what awesomeness you find!