Friday, August 31, 2012

Oh Shorts, I wish you were Pants! part deux

If you know me, have seen a previous post; or if you follow me on Pinterest or Polyvore, you'll notice something: I have an ambivalent relationship with shorts. And, today I entered a contest on how I would transition summer shorts into fall (also on a previous post). If I wore them, I totally would wear my entry. I like the idea of shorts. I like the many things one can do while in shorts. I just don't like shorts on me. It's that pesky missing-ankle-lackluster-yuck leg thing. Shorts are such an abrupt cut off on the leg, no matter what type of footwear  I try them with, I just can't find a way to like shorts on me. Unless maybe I  tried them with over the knee boots...but even then, maybe not.

Here are some examples of looks I love that involve the aforementioned "shorts", and would be completely content if their makers would sew back on the missing portion of the legs:

From my Pinterest board, other Pinners, my "girl crush": Kendi Everyday (who, by the way, if by some miracle you actually read this [which would be awesome] You are an inspiration and give me hope!)

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